
Rose - Meanings & colors

Different colors of roses have different symbolic meanings behind. In order to choose a right meaning of roses to express your love to your beloved and your gladness to your friends. Here are some informations for reference. So, next time when you are preparing a bouquet of roses to someone, choose a right colour of roses to express your feeling from the bottom of your heart!

Red roses : It symbolizes sincere Love, Respect, Courage & Passion. Besides, single red rose means "I Love You".

Light Pink roses : It symbolizes conveys admiration, gentleness, grace, gladness, joy and sweetness but also secret love. Light Pink rose says "my heart belongs to you". Single pink rose can also means "Believe what I say and do". On the other hand, Deep Pink rose says “Thank You” as a symbol of gratitude.

White roses : It symbolizes true love & purity of spirit. Also, it is the meaning of "Trust me".

Yellow roses : It symbolizes indicate joy, gladness. It is an expression of friendship and "I care". Besides, lightly open yellow roses ask as a question of "Do you still love me?"